A federal judge on Wednesday May 29th imposed a time served sentence on Guyanese Drug trafficker Barry Dataram. In an unusual move the US Government-the Prosecution in the case decided to seal even the sentencing memorandum. Before this move, the US government redacted several sections of Dataram’s indictment.

Barry Dataram operated out of Guyana and the United States for a number of years trafficking in drugs according to court records. He himself confessed to narcotics trafficking and fought extradition from Guyana although he is a US Citizen.

He served time in Guyana for both drug and immigration offences. For several years Dataram had warrants issued for his arrest in Guyana, for the purpose of extraditing him to the US for cocaine smuggling offences. He fought those warrants successfully to the point that Guyana was forced to amend its extradition legislation .

Later Dataram surrendered to the US authorities was imprisoned briefly. He continues to work in the US. He will be on three years probation as a part of this latest sentence.