The closure of schools because of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an increase in abuse of children and that is according to the Rights of the Child Commission.   

The child rights body in a press statement said with most children stuck at home during the pandemic, the abuse of children have become increasingly worrisome.   

Chairperson of the Commission, Aleema Nasir said Parents must not turn a blind eye and deaf ear to a child who complains of abuse, and must be alert to instances where persons in your home show a propensity to abuse or appear untrustworthy around your children.  Parents also are urged to always remember that they are the primary protectors of theirs and other children in their sphere and care.  Adults who show a desire to be abusive must be stopped and condign action taken against them.”  

The commission has urged that citizens be vigilant at all times when it comes to children.   

The body has also said that the work of Child Care and Protection Agency, social workers and teachers must be recognized and acknowledged as they are important.